
Sustaining Community Health Services Over Time: Models from the Rural Health Outreach Grant Program. UMN RHRC Working Paper #55.

Publication Date: November 1st, 2004
Publication Type(s): Working Paper
Topic(s): ,
Author(s): Gregg, W., Knott, A., Moscovice, I.

This monograph summarizes the results of site visits to three rural health consortia conducted during mid-summer and early fall of 2003 as part of an assessment of exemplary models from the Rural Health Outreach Grant Program that haveĀ  sustained community health services over time. The three sites included a medical rehabilitation project, the Wyoming Rehabilitation Clinic in Sheridan, Wyoming; a prenatal outreach project, the Fassett-Magee Community Health Center in Cambridge, Maryland; and a community health center, the Providence Health Center in Shady Cove, Oregon.

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